New Patients

Asset 3@4x

Thank you for choosing our practice for your medical care.  We look forward to meeting you!

Make sure you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment to allow for reviewing your chart information and scanning in your insurance cards and driver\’s license.

It is also necessary to bring your:

  • driver’s license
  • insurance card
  • list of current medications
  • pharmacy information

We will ask to see your insurance card and driver’s license at every visit to verify that what we have on file is correct and there have not been any changes.  If you have insurance changes please notify the office as soon as possible. There are a very large range of policies underneath each carrier, therefore your coverage terms could change considerably even if you have the same carrier. We would also like to confirm that we are in-network providers for your plan.

What You Should Know About Your Insurance Before Your Appointment

As a courtesy to our patients, our office attempts to verify your insurance coverage prior to your office visit. Unfortunately, the information we receive from your insurance company is minimal and is not a guarantee of coverage or benefits.  It is rare, but we have been quoted incorrect benefits in the past from the insurance companies.

We strongly encourage all patients to “know” their insurance policy.  Knowing what your plan does or does not cover will provide you with the information needed to make medical decisions and to know your options.  Also, you are more likely to receive the maximum benefits allowed by your policy if you are aware of what your coverage provides.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have additional questions prior to your appointment.

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