What Different Ultrasounds Can Tell You about Your Baby

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\"\"Nowadays, the excitement to share ultrasound pictures on social media is making parents-to-be take notice of the ultrasound technologies available. But the ultrasounds you receive during your pregnancy mean a lot more than having a great visual to share online.

The right ultrasound can tell you a number of important things about the health and development of your baby.

Purpose of an ultrasound

Besides being a memory of your baby’s very first stages of life, an ultrasound is a common part of pregnancy care. The technology allows Dr. Olga Cortez and Dr. Leora Collins the opportunity to:

  • Estimate your due date
  • Measure your baby’s growth
  • Identify your baby’s gender
  • Evaluate amniotic fluid
  • Confirm the number of babies you are carrying

As a parent, you rely on the results of an ultrasound to know that your pregnancy is healthy and your baby is developing on track.

Types of ultrasounds

All types of ultrasounds use painless sound waves that bounce of the inner structures of your body to deliver a real-time picture of what’s inside. The different types of ultrasounds available include:


One of the most common types of ultrasound used to monitor a pregnancy includes the two-dimensional, or 2D, ultrasound. This technology produces a flat images and outlines of your growing baby.

This is the type of ultrasound Dr. Cortez and Dr. Collins use to evaluate the health of your baby and the development of their internal organs. The test can detect issues like:

  • Heart defects
  • Kidney problems
  • Intestinal issues

By learning about such conditions early in a pregnancy, you can make important decisions about your baby’s short-term and long-term health.


3D ultrasounds create three-dimensional images of your baby that offer you a visual of what your baby really looks like. This type of technology can identify or monitor potential issues like:

  • Cleft lip
  • Spinal cord abnormalities
  • High-risk pregnancy factors

3D ultrasounds provide a great visual for evaluating the overall health and development of your baby and give you a first glimpse at your baby’s features.


A 4D ultrasound is similar to a 3D ultrasound in that it shows a real-life visual of your baby from several angles. With the 4D technology, the images being collected continuously update. These updates create a moving picture of your baby’s movements.

Using a 4D ultrasound, you can watch your baby stretch, smile, move their arms and legs. This technology allows the physician to evaluate their movements and overall health.

Understanding your options

The 2D ultrasound is still the gold standard for evaluating your baby’s growth and development. If you’re interested in getting a sneak preview of your sweet baby, you can elect to have a 3D/4D ultrasound.

If you require 3D/4D ultrasound imaging for a high-risk pregnancy or other fetal health issues, the staff at Cross Roads Hormonal Health & Wellness can refer you to a maternal fetal medicine specialist.

At Cross Roads Hormonal Health & Wellness, you can feel confident in our ARDMS board-certified ultrasound technician, who has more than a decade of experience.

You can expect to have at least one 2D ultrasound throughout your pregnancy. Dr. Collins and Dr. Cortez determine how often an ultrasound is necessary based on your pregnancy. Elective 3D/4D ultrasounds are available at an additional cost.

If you have questions about ultrasound safety or the benefits of each technology, schedule a consultation online or by phone today.

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