Safety Tips for a High-Risk Pregnancy

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\"\"Under the best of circumstances, a pregnancy can be a whirlwind of a journey — in just nine short months you create a new life and bring it into the world. For many women, pregnancy becomes a little more anxiety-ridden when the words “high risk” are added.

But being categorized as a high-risk pregnancy isn’t necessarily cause for panic. More often than not, it simply means that we need to practice a little more vigilance when it comes to your baby’s health, as well as your own.

At Cross Roads Hormonal Health & Wellness, our team of pregnancy specialists has 15 years of experience helping women in the Cross Roads, Texas, area successfully grow their families, including those who fall under the high-risk pregnancy category.

If your pregnancy has been labeled high risk, here are a few tips that go a long way toward keeping you and your baby healthy during this exciting time.

What does it mean when your pregnancy is high risk?

Before we get into some good rules of thumb for safely navigating a high-risk pregnancy, let’s take a brief look at some of the more common reasons why you may be placed in this category.

To start, a high-risk pregnancy typically means that you should seek a higher standard of care because of a condition that may pose a risk to your baby’s health or your health. These conditions include:

  • Advanced maternal age (over 35)
  • Multiple babies
  • A previous history of repeated miscarriage or difficult births
  • A previous C-section
  • Lifestyle choices, such as alcohol, tobacco, or drug use
  • A pre-existing medical condition

Because these risk factors are so varied, the steps you should take to protect your health may be quite different. That said, let’s review a few best practices for all high-risk pregnancies.

Extra prenatal care

One of the primary objectives of labeling a pregnancy as high risk is to underscore the importance of comprehensive prenatal care. If you fall into this group, you should expect to see us more often for check-ups so that we can closely monitor your risk factors and step in the moment we spot a problem.

Your participation in this care is paramount, which is why you should make every effort to follow your custom-designed prenatal schedule. During these important visits, we provide you with valuable counseling that helps ensure your health and the health of your unborn child. Whether it’s dietary restrictions or limited activity, be sure to follow our instructions to the letter.

Offset your lifestyle risks as much as possible

If we place you into a high-risk pregnancy group because of a lifestyle consideration, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, or drug use, we ask that you address these lifestyle choices as soon as possible. We’re here to help you find the tools you need to make these important lifestyle changes, which go a long way toward your health and the health of your child.

Work with your doctors

If your pregnancy is high risk because of a pre-existing health problem, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, we urge you to work with our team, as well as your primary care provider, to better manage your health during your pregnancy. For example, if you’re diabetic, controlling your blood sugar levels through diet and medication if needed is paramount.

Pay close attention to diet and exercise

While we encourage all moms-to-be to take great care of their bodies through diet and exercise, this is especially important for women with high-risk pregnancies. If you keep your body as healthy as possible during this time, you’re better equipped to handle any potential problems down the road. Rest assured, we work with you to come up with a diet and exercise program that’s best for your unique situation.

Get support

If you’re anxious about your high-risk pregnancy, you should seek support from friends, family, support groups, or a therapist. Your mental health is especially important during pregnancy, and we don’t want anxiety or fear to cause additional problems for you. We do our best to cover your health so that you can enjoy your pregnancy, whether it’s high-risk or not. But if you’re spending your time worrying, it’s not good for you or your unborn baby.

If you have more questions about high-risk pregnancies, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 940-213-2713.

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