How Pellet Therapy Can Help Men Suffering from a Hormone Imbalance

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\"\"A recent study shows that testosterone levels in men can fall as rapidly as 2% each year after they turn 30. The older men get, the more likely it is that they’ll experience low levels of testosterone. According to some data, the number of testosterone prescriptions given to men increased 500% from 2011 to 2016.

At Cross Roads Hormonal Health & Wellness, we use pellet therapy to treat hormone imbalances in men. If you’re over 30, then you’ll want to learn more about the benefits of pellet therapy for treating low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone in men

Although many men don’t show clinical symptoms when they have low testosterone, it still makes sense for you to know the symptoms. If you notice them, then you know it’s time to schedule an appointment with us.

A low level of testosterone in a man means more than just a low sex drive or erectile dysfunction (ED). Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat (especially in the waist area)
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Mood changes
  • Lower mental capacity
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Brain Fog

Additionally, studies have shown there are some conditions that are consistent with low levels of testosterone including:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol use
  • High Cholesterol

Unfortunately, you probably can’t see two of the most significant problems caused by low testosterone. When men have a hormone imbalance, their muscle mass and bone mass often shrink. If this happens to you, it puts you at risk of serious injury. With dwindling bone mass, you could break a bone from a short fall.

How pellet therapy works

When you come to Cross Roads Hormonal Health & Wellness, Dr. Cortez or Dr. Collins examines you and does appropriate testing to assess your hormone levels.  When you schedule an appointment to be seen by Dr. Cortez, Dr. Collins, or our physician assistant, Donna White, you will first be scheduled for a nurse visit where you will have a full lab panel drawn.  You will then come in for an appointment on a later date to discuss those results with the provider. If you’re a good candidate for hormone replacement therapy, the doctor implants a small pellet  small pellets, the size of a grain of rice your hip. The pellet is smaller than a grain of rice, so you shouldn’t feel much, if any, discomfort during the implantation.

The pellet contains enough testosterone to supplement your body’s natural supply for 3-6 months. The more testosterone your body currently makes, the longer the pellet can last.

You may wonder why men don’t use oral supplements to correct hormone imbalances. With some imbalances, patients do take pills. With testosterone though, men need a consistent supply. The pellets constantly release small amounts of testosterone into the bloodstream to prevent the roller coaster effect that pills often cause.

Instead of feeling energetic for a few hours after taking a pill, you always feel good because the pellet continually releases testosterone to keep your levels stable. Pellets also help you avoid the crash that can happen when hormone replacement pills start to wear off.

The benefits of pellet therapy for men with low testosterone

When you’re treated with pellet therapy, you can expect to see several improvements in your life. Most men who use pellet therapy experience:

  • Higher energy levels
  • Decrease in body fat
  • Muscle growth
  • Less anxiety and depression
  • Improved mood
  • More interest in sex

At first, you may feel better than you have in years. Don’t let the surge in energy make you complacent. You need to stay in contact with us so we can monitor your testosterone levels and determine when you need a replacement pellet.

If you think you may have a hormone imbalance, the only way to know for sure is to come in to see us. Schedule an appointment to talk to Dr. Cortez or Dr. Collins. You can call our office in Cross Roads, Texas, at 940-213-2713 to set up your first consultation or click the button here on the website.

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